Viking Invasions of England
Viking Invasions of England ©HistoryMaps

865 - 1066

Viking Invasions of England

From 865 the Norse attitude towards the British Isles changed, as they began to see it as a place for potential colonisation rather than simply a place to raid. As a result of this, larger armies began arriving on Britain's shores, with the intention of conquering land and constructing settlements there.

780 - 849
Viking Raids
789 Jan 1


Isle of Portland, Portland, UK

In the final decade of the eighth century, Viking raiders attacked a series of Christian monasteries in the British Isles. Here, these monasteries had often been positioned on small islands and in other remote coastal areas so that the monks could live in seclusion, devoting themselves to worship without the interference of other elements of society. At the same time, it made them isolated and unprotected targets for attack.

The first known account of a Viking raid in Anglo-Saxon England comes from 789, when three ships from Hordaland (in modern Norway) landed in the Isle of Portland on the southern coast of Wessex. They were approached by Beaduheard, the royal reeve from Dorchester, whose job it was to identify all foreign merchants entering the kingdom, and they proceeded to kill him. There were almost certainly unrecorded earlier raids. In a document dating to 792, King Offa of Mercia set out privileges granted to monasteries and churches in Kent, but he excluded military service "against seaborne pirates with migrating fleets", showing that Viking raids were already an established problem. In a letter of 790-92 to King Æthelred I of Northumbria, Alcuin berated English people for copying the fashions of pagans who menaced them with terror. This shows that there were already close contacts between the two peoples, and the Vikings would have been well informed about their targets.

The next recorded attack against the Anglo-Saxons came the following year, in 793, when the monastery at Lindisfarne, an island off England's eastern coast, was sacked by a Viking raiding party on 8 June. The following year, they sacked the nearby Monkwearmouth–Jarrow Abbey.In 795, they once again attacked, this time raiding Iona Abbey off Scotland's west coast.This monastery was attacked again in 802 and 806, when 68 people living there were killed. After this devastation, the monastic community at Iona abandoned the site and fled to Kells in Ireland. In the first decade of the ninth century, Viking raiders began to attack coastal districts of Ireland. In 835, the first major Viking raid in southern England took place and was directed against the Isle of Sheppey.

Vikings raid Lindisfarne
Viking raids Lindisfarne in 793 ©Image Attribution forthcoming. Image belongs to the respective owner(s).
793 Jun 8

Vikings raid Lindisfarne

Lindisfarne, UK

In 793, a Viking raid on Lindisfarne caused much consternation throughout the Christian west and is now often taken as the beginning of the Viking Age. During the attack many of the monks were killed, or captured and enslaved. These preliminary raids, unsettling as they were, were not followed up. The main body of the raiders passed north around Scotland. The 9th-century invasions came not from Norway, but from the Danes from around the entrance to the Baltic.

Northmen winters for the first time
Northmen winters in England for the first time. ©HistoryMaps

According the the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle:

"In this year Ealdorman Ceorl with the contingent of the men of Devon fought against the heathen army at Wicganbeorg, and the English made a great slaughter there and had the victory. And for the first time, heathen men stayed through the winter on Thanet. And the same year 350 ships came into the mouth of the Thames and stormed Canterbury and London and put to flight Brihtwulf, king of the Mercians, with his army, and went south across the Thames into Surrey. And King, Æthelwulf and his son Æthelbald fought against them at Aclea with the army of the West Saxons, and there inflicted the greatest slaughter [on a heathen army] that we have ever heard of until this present day, and had the victory there."

"And the same year, King Athelstan and Ealdorman Ealhhere fought in ships and slew a great army at Sandwich in Kent, and captured nine ships and put the others to flight."

865 - 896
Invasion & Danelaw
Arrival of the Great Heathen Army
Arrival of the Great Heathen Army ©Angus McBride
865 Oct 1

Arrival of the Great Heathen Army

Isle of Thanet

The Great Heathen Army also known as the Viking Great Army, was a coalition of Scandinavian warriors, who invaded England in 865 CE. Since the late 8th century, the Vikings had been engaging in raids on centres of wealth such as monasteries. The Great Heathen Army was much larger and aimed to occupy and conquer the four English kingdoms of East Anglia, Northumbria, Mercia and Wessex.

Norse armies capture York
Norse armies capture York. ©HistoryMaps
866 Jan 1

Norse armies capture York

York, England

The kingdom of Northumbria was in the middle of a civil war with Ælla and Osberht both claiming the crown. The Vikings led by Ubba and Ivar were able to take the city with little trouble.

Battle of York
Battle of York ©HistoryMaps
867 Mar 21

Battle of York

York, England

The Battle of York was fought between the Vikings of the Great Heathen Army and the Kingdom of Northumbria on the 21 March 867. In the spring of 867 Ælla and Osberht put aside their differences and united in an attempt to push the invaders out of Northumbria. The battle started well for the Northumbrian forces, who were able to break through the city's defences. It was at this point that the experience of the Viking warriors was able to show through, as the narrow streets nullified any advantage of numbers the Northumbrians may have had. The battle ended with a slaughter of the Northumbrian army, and the death of both Ælla and Osberht.

Battle of Ashdown
Battle of Ashdown ©HistoryMaps
871 Jan 8

Battle of Ashdown

Berkshire, UK

The Battle of Ashdown, on approximately 8 January 871, marked a significant West Saxon victory over a Danish Viking force in an unidentified location, possibly Kingstanding Hill in Berkshire or near Starveall close to Aldworth. Led by King Æthelred and his brother, Alfred the Great, against the Viking leaders Bagsecg and Halfdan, the battle is notably chronicled in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and Asser's Life of King Alfred.

Prelude to the battle saw the Vikings, having already conquered Northumbria and East Anglia by 870, advancing towards Wessex, reaching Reading around 28 December 870. Despite a West Saxon victory at Englefield led by Æthelwulf of Berkshire, a subsequent defeat at Reading set the stage for the confrontation at Ashdown.

During the battle, the Viking forces, advantageous in positioning atop a ridge, were met by the West Saxons who mirrored their divided formation. King Æthelred's late entry into the battle, following his Mass, and Alfred's preemptive attack were pivotal. The West Saxons' formation around a small thorn tree ultimately led to their victory, inflicting heavy losses on the Vikings, including the death of King Bagsecg and five earls. Despite this triumph, the victory was short-lived with subsequent defeats at Basing and Meretun, leading to King Æthelred's death and Alfred's succession post-Easter on 15 April 871.

The dating of the Battle of Ashdown is anchored to the death of Bishop Heahmund at Meretun on 22 March 871, placing Ashdown on 8 January, following a sequence of battles and Viking movements beginning from their arrival in Reading on 28 December 870. However, the exactness of these dates remains approximate due to potential inaccuracies in the chronology.

Battle of Basing
Battle of Basing ©HistoryMaps
871 Jan 22

Battle of Basing

Old Basing, Basingstoke, Hamps

The Battle of Basing, occurring around 22 January 871 at Basing in Hampshire, resulted in a Danish Viking army defeating the West Saxons, led by King Æthelred and his brother Alfred the Great. This confrontation followed a series of battles triggered by the Viking invasion of Wessex in late December 870, beginning with their occupation of Reading. The sequence included a West Saxon victory at Englefield, a Viking victory at Reading, and another West Saxon victory at Ashdown on about 8 January. The defeat at Basing prefaced a two-month pause before the next engagement at Meretun, where the Vikings were victorious again. Following these events, King Æthelred died shortly after Easter, on 15 April 871, leading to Alfred's ascension to the throne.

The chronological placement of the Battle of Basing is supported by the death of Bishop Heahmund at Meretun on 22 March 871, with the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle documenting Basing as two months prior, thus on 22 January. This dating is part of a series of battles and movements, starting with the Viking arrival in Reading on 28 December 870, although the exactness of these dates is considered approximate due to potential inaccuracies in the historical record.

Vikings gains Mercia and East Anglia
Vikings gains Mercia and East Anglia ©HistoryMaps
876 Jan 1

Vikings gains Mercia and East Anglia

Mercia and East Angia

The Viking king of Northumbria, Halfdan Ragnarrson – one of the leaders of the Viking Great Army (known to the Anglo-Saxons as the Great Heathen Army) – surrendered his lands to a second wave of Viking invaders in 876. In the next four years, Vikings gained further land in the kingdoms of Mercia and East Anglia as well.

King Alfred takes refuge
King Alfred takes refuge. ©HistoryMaps
878 Jan 1

King Alfred takes refuge


A Viking invasion took King Alfred by surprise. When much of Wessex was overrun Alfred was driven into hiding at Athelney, in the marshlands of central Somerset. He built a fortress there, reinforcing the existing defences of an earlier Iron Age fort. It was at Athelney that Alfred planned his campaign against the Vikings. The story is that, in disguise, Alfred begged refuge from a peasant household, where he was asked to carry out tasks, including watching the food cooking on the fire. Preoccupied, and unaccustomed to cooking duties, he let the cakes burn and ruined the household's meal. The woman of the house scolded him severely.

Battle of Edington
Battle of Edington ©Image Attribution forthcoming. Image belongs to the respective owner(s).
878 May 1

Battle of Edington

Battle of Edington

At the Battle of Edington, an army of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex under Alfred the Great defeated the Great Heathen Army led by the Dane Guthrum on a date between 6 and 12 May 878, resulting in the Treaty of Wedmore later the same Year.

Treaty of Wedmore and Danelaw
King Alfred the Great ©HistoryMaps
886 Jan 1

Treaty of Wedmore and Danelaw

Wessex & East Anglia

The Wessex and the Norse-controlled, East Anglian governments signed the Treaty of Wedmore, which established a boundary between the two kingdoms. The area to the north and east of this boundary became known as the Danelaw because it was under Norse political influence, whilst those areas south and west of it remained under Anglo-Saxon dominance.

Alfred's government set about constructing a series of defended towns or burhs, began the construction of a navy, and organised a militia system (the fyrd) whereby half of his peasant army remained on active service at any one time. To maintain the burhs, and the standing army, he set up a taxation and conscription system known as the Burghal Hidage.

Vikings attacks repulsed
Vikings attacks repulsed ©HistoryMaps
892 Jan 1

Vikings attacks repulsed

Appledore, Kent

A new Viking army, with 250 ships, established itself in Appledore, Kent and another army of 80 ships soon afterwards in Milton Regis. The army then launched a continuous series of attacks on Wessex. However, due in part to the efforts of Alfred and his army, the kingdom's new defences proved to be a success, and the Viking invaders were met with a determined resistance and made less of an impact than they had hoped. By 896, the invaders dispersed - instead settling in East Anglia and Northumbria, with some instead sailing to Normandy.

Battle of Brunanburh
Battle of Brunanburh ©HistoryMaps
937 Jan 1

Battle of Brunanburh

River Ouse, United Kingdom

The Battle of Brunanburh that took place in 937 CE was a clash involving Æthelstan, the King of England and a coalition comprising Olaf Guthfrithson from Dublin, Constantine II, from Scotland and Owain from Strathclyde. This event is often seen as a moment in shaping national identity with historians like Michael Livingston highlighting its lasting impact on the political landscape of the British Isles. The conflict was sparked by Æthelstans incursion into Scotland in 934 possibly triggered by Constantine breaking a peace agreement. It culminated in a battle as Æthelstans opponents joined forces against him. Despite facing opposition Æthelstan emerged victorious at Brunanburh with a win that resulted in significant losses for his adversaries and strengthened Englands unity. Accounts such as the Anglo Saxon Chronicle underscore the scale of the battle and its aftermath. Many scholars, including Alfred Smyth view Æthelstans triumph as one of the battles in Anglo Saxon history before the Battle of Hastings due to its role, in preserving Englands cohesion and tranquility. The exact site of this battle continues to be debated among experts.


After Æthelstans triumph over the Vikings in York in 927 important local leaders, like King Constantine of Scotland King Hywel Dda of Deheubarth Ealdred I of Bamburgh and King Owen I of Strathclyde accepted Æthelstans authority at Eamont near Penrith. This led to a period of peace until 934. Following Constantines alleged violation of their 927 peace treaty Æthelstan launched an invasion into Scotland in 934 with naval forces traversing northern England into Scottish lands without direct conflict.

This incursion highlighted the need for Æthelstans opponents to come together in an alliance against him. Olaf Guthfrithson from Dublin, Constantine II of Scotland and Owen from Strathclyde set aside past disagreements to unite with the aim of defeating Æthelstan. In August 937 Olaf left Dublin to join forces with Constantine and Owen as a prelude to the Battle of Brunanburh in October according to Michael Livingstons assessment. Despite some accounts suggesting otherwise there is no proof that the invading troops entered Mercia. Instead strategies were focused on a two approach into England as they prepared for the showdown at Brunanburh – a battle seen as pivotal for control, over England.


The Battle of Brunanburh marked a victory, for Æthelstan and his troops an event in Anglo Saxon history chronicled in the Anglo Saxon Chronicle. This intense battle witnessed Æthelstans army breaking through the enemy shield wall resulting in losses among the invaders. Following the battle Olaf Guthfrithson retreated to Dublin while Constantine II headed back to Scotland with their forces. Historical accounts describe this clash as deadly with casualties reaching numbers not seen since the Angles and Saxons settled in Britain.

The scale of this conflict is emphasized by entries in the Annals of Ulster and the Annals of Clonmacnoise portraying it as an brutal event that claimed lives, including five kings and seven earls, from Olafs army. The English side also suffered losses, including two of Æthelstans cousins. Beyond showcasing Æthelstans skill this battle reshaped the landscape of the British Isles by solidifying Æthelstans authority and uniting England.

The aftermath of Æthelstans victory, at the Battle of Brunanburh in 937 CE played a role in maintaining Englands unity although it did not lead to the unification of the entire island. Scotland and Strathclyde remained independent despite this event. Historians widely recognize the importance of this victory in shaping identity and its impact on the history of the British Isles. While Alfred Smyth considers it to be a moment in Anglo Saxon history prior to Hastings he also suggests that its long term effects may have been exaggerated. Alex Woolf views the outcome as a triumph pointing out Æthelstans reduced authority in the north and Olafs rule over Northumbria. Nonetheless Æthelstans actions are commended for their impact on unity and peace within England as observed by Æthelweard in the 900s. The battles legacy persists, underscoring the relationship between aspirations for island unity and enduring divisions between the Celtic regions to the north and Anglo Saxon territories to the south.

Discovery of Battlefield

The location of the Battle of Brunanburh has been a subject of mystery for centuries with scholars, like Bernard Cornwell highlighting its significance and ongoing efforts to identify where this legendary battle took place. Wirral Archaeology in response, to the increased interest has started an investigation using methods such as studying medieval texts, LiDAR technology, geophysics, metal detection and targeted excavations to explore the possibility that the battle took place in Wirral.

Their hard work has led to a collection of artifacts that may be connected to a medieval battle, which are currently being studied. A recent gathering resembling a conference brought together historians and archaeologists including Professor Michael Livingston, an expert, on the Battle of Brunanburh. This group of experts came to an agreement based on the evidence and artifacts presented indicating that Wirral Archaeology might have discovered the site of the Battle of Brunanburh. However for security purposes the exact location is not being disclosed at this time.

New wave of Vikings: Eric Bloodaxe takes York
Eric Bloodaxe takes York ©HistoryMaps

The Northumbrians rejected Eadred as the king of the English and made the Norwegian Eric Bloodaxe (Eirik Haraldsson) their king. Eadred responded by invading and ravaging Northumbria. When the Saxons headed back south, Eric Bloodaxe's army caught up with some them at Castleford and made 'great slaughter. Eadred threatened to destroy Northumbria in revenge, so the Northumbrians turned their back on Eric and acknowledged Eadred as their king.

980 - 1012
Second Invasion
Vikings resume attack against England
Vikings resume attack against England ©HistoryMaps

The English government decided that the only way of dealing with these attackers was to pay them protection money, and so in 991 they gave them £10,000. This fee did not prove to be enough, and over the next decade the English kingdom was forced to pay the Viking attackers increasingly large sums of money.

St Brice's day massacre
St. Brice's day massacre ©Image Attribution forthcoming. Image belongs to the respective owner(s).
1002 Nov 13

St Brice's day massacre


St. Brice's day massacre was the killing of Danes in the Kingdom of England on Friday, the 13th of November 1002, ordered by King Æthelred the Unready. In response to the frequent Danish raids, King Æthelred ordered the execution of all Danes living in England.

Sweyn Forkbeard becomes King of England
Sweyn Forkbeard ©HistoryMaps

King Æthelred sent his sons Edward and Alfred to Normandy, and himself retreated to the Isle of Wight, and then followed them into exile. On Christmas day 1013 Sweyn was declared King of England. Sweyn began to organise his vast new kingdom, but he died there on 3 February 1014, having ruled England for only five weeks. King Æthelred returned.

Cnut becomes king of England
Cnut becomes king of England ©HistoryMaps
1016 Jan 1

Cnut becomes king of England

London, England

The Battle of Assandun ended in victory for the Danes, led by Cnut the Great, who triumphed over the English army led by King Edmund Ironside. The battle was the conclusion to the Danish reconquest of England. Cnut and his sons, Harold Harefoot and Harthacnut, ruled England over a combined 26-year period (1016–1042). After Harthacnut's death, the English throne reverted to the House of Wessex under Æthelred's younger son Edward the Confessor (reigned 1042–1066). Cnut's later accession to the Danish throne in 1018 brought the crowns of England and Denmark together. Cnut sought to keep this power-base by uniting Danes and English under cultural bonds of wealth and custom, as well as through sheer brutality. Cnut ruled England for nearly two decades. The protection he lent against Viking raiders—many of them under his command—restored the prosperity that had been increasingly impaired since the resumption of Viking attacks in the 980s. In turn the English helped him to establish control over the majority of Scandinavia, too

Harald Hardrada
The Battle of Stamford Bridge ©Image Attribution forthcoming. Image belongs to the respective owner(s).
1066 Sep 25

Harald Hardrada

Stamford Bridge

Harald Hardrada led an invasion of England in 1066, attempting to seize the English throne during the succession dispute following the death of Edward the Confessor. The invasion was repulsed at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, and Hardrada was killed along with most of his men. While the Viking attempt was unsuccessful, the near simultaneous Norman invasion was successful in the south at the Battle of Hastings. Hardrada's invasion has been described as the end of the Viking Age in Britain.

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Osberht of Northumbria

Osberht of Northumbria

King of Northumbria

Alfred the Great

Alfred the Great

King of England

Sweyn Forkbeard

Sweyn Forkbeard

King of Denmark

Halfdan Ragnarsson

Halfdan Ragnarsson

Viking Leader



King of Denmark and England



King of East Anglia



Lady of the Mercians



Viking Leader

Ælla of Northumbria

Ælla of Northumbria

King of Northumbria

Æthelred I

Æthelred I

King of Wessex

Harold Harefoot

Harold Harefoot

King of England

Cnut the Great

Cnut the Great

King of Denmark

Ivar the Boneless

Ivar the Boneless

Viking Leader

Eric Bloodaxe

Eric Bloodaxe

Lord of the Mercians

Edgar the Peaceful

Edgar the Peaceful

King of England



King of the Anglo-Saxons


  • Blair, Peter Hunter (2003). An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England (3rd ed.). Cambridge, UK and New York City, USA: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-53777-3.
  • Crawford, Barbara E. (1987). Scandinavian Scotland. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Leicester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7185-1282-8.
  • Graham-Campbell, James & Batey, Colleen E. (1998). Vikings in Scotland: An Archaeological Survey. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 978-0-7486-0641-2.
  • Horspool, David (2006). Why Alfred Burned the Cakes. London: Profile Books. ISBN 978-1-86197-786-1.
  • Howard, Ian (2003). Swein Forkbeard's Invasions and the Danish Conquest of England, 991-1017 (illustrated ed.). Boydell Press. ISBN 9780851159287.
  • Jarman, Cat (2021). River Kings: The Vikings from Scandinavia to the Silk Roads. London, UK: William Collins. ISBN 978-0-00-835311-7.
  • Richards, Julian D. (1991). Viking Age England. London: B. T. Batsford and English Heritage. ISBN 978-0-7134-6520-4.
  • Keynes, Simon (1999). Lapidge, Michael; Blair, John; Keynes, Simon; Scragg, Donald (eds.). "Vikings". The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 460–61.
  • Panton, Kenneth J. (2011). Historical Dictionary of the British Monarchy. Plymouth: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-5779-7.
  • Pearson, William (2012). Erik Bloodaxe: His Life and Times: A Royal Viking in His Historical and Geographical Settings. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. ISBN 978-1-4685-8330-4.
  • Starkey, David (2004). The Monarchy of England. Vol. I. London: Chatto & Windus. ISBN 0-7011-7678-4.