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HistoryMaps Last Updated: 02/01/2025

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History of France

Bourbon Restoration in France

© François Gérard

History of France

Bourbon Restoration in France

1814 May 3
Bourbon Restoration in France
Charles X. © François Gérard

The Bourbon Restoration was the period of French history during which the House of Bourbon returned to power after the first fall of Napoleon on 3 May 1814. Briefly interrupted by the Hundred Days War in 1815, the Restoration lasted until the July Revolution of 26 July 1830. Louis XVIII and Charles X, brothers of the executed king Louis XVI, successively mounted the throne and instituted a conservative government intended to restore the proprieties, if not all the institutions, of the Ancien RĂ©gime. Exiled supporters of the monarchy returned to France but were unable to reverse most of the changes made by the French Revolution. Exhausted by decades of war, the nation experienced a period of internal and external peace, stable economic prosperity and the preliminaries of industrialization.

Page Last Updated: 10/13/2024

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