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HistoryMaps Last Updated: 01/19/2025

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Voyages of Ferdinand Magellan

Strait of Magellan

© Oswald Walters Brierly

Voyages of Ferdinand Magellan

Strait of Magellan

1520 Nov 1
Strait of Magellan, Chile
Strait of Magellan
Discovery of the Straits of Magellan in 1520. © Oswald Walters Brierly

During the winter, one of the fleet's ships, the Santiago, was lost in a storm while surveying nearby waters, though no men were killed. Following the winter, the fleet resumed their search for a passage to the Pacific in October 1520. Three days later, they found a bay which eventually led them to a strait, now known as the Strait of Magellan, which allowed them passage through to the Pacific. While exploring the strait, one of the remaining four ships, the San Antonio, deserted the fleet, returning east to Spain. The fleet reached the Pacific by the end of November 1520. Based on the incomplete understanding of world geography at the time, Magellan expected a short journey to Asia, perhaps taking as little as three or four days. In fact, the Pacific crossing took three months and twenty days. The long journey exhausted their supply of food and water, and around 30 men died, mostly of scurvy. Magellan himself remained healthy, perhaps because of his personal supply of preserved quince.

Page Last Updated: 10/13/2024

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