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HistoryMaps Last Updated: 02/01/2025

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  • Quiz me on the American Revolution.
  • Suggest some books on the Ottoman Empire.
  • What were the causes of the Thirty Year's War?
  • Tell me something interesting about the Han Dynasty.
  • Give me the phases of the Hundred Years’ War.

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History of the United States

Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest

© George Catlin

History of the United States

Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest

1000 BCE Jan 1
British Columbia, Canada
Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest
Three young Chinook men © George Catlin

The indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest were likely the most affluent Native Americans. Many distinct cultural groups and political entities developed there, but they all shared certain beliefs, traditions, and practices, such as the centrality of salmon as a resource and spiritual symbol. Permanent villages began to develop in this region as early as 1,000 BCE, and these communities celebrated by the gift-giving feast of the potlatch. These gatherings were usually organized to commemorate special events such as the raising of a Totem pole or the celebration of a new chief.

Page Last Updated: 10/13/2024

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