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HistoryMaps Last Updated: 01/19/2025

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History of Norway

Norwegian Emigration to the United States

© Edvard Petersen

History of Norway

Norwegian Emigration to the United States

1825 Jan 1 - 1925
United States
Norwegian Emigration to the United States
Emigrants at Larsens Square. © Edvard Petersen

Norwegian immigration to North America began in earnest in 1825, driven by a mix of economic and social pressures in Norway. The early waves were influenced by economic hardships, as Norway’s agricultural economy struggled with limited arable land and rapid population growth. Many younger sons, unable to inherit land, sought opportunities abroad. Additionally, overpopulation strained resources, pushing many Norwegians to look elsewhere for better prospects.

Religious persecution also played a role, as nonconformist religious groups, particularly evangelical Lutherans, faced restrictions under Norway’s state church. Many emigrated to freely practice their beliefs in the United States.

Between 1825 and 1925, over 800,000 Norwegians emigrated, primarily settling in the American Midwest. States like Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota attracted these immigrants with their familiar landscapes and abundant farmland. Norwegian settlers established strong farming communities, churches, and cultural institutions, which left a lasting impact on the region.

Page Last Updated: 10/13/2024

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