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History of Norway

Norway during the Napoleonic Wars

© Andreas Bloch

History of Norway

Norway during the Napoleonic Wars

1807 Jan 1 - 1814
Norway during the Napoleonic Wars
The Battle of Prestebakke during the Dano-Swedish War of 1808–09; Norwegian forces can be seen storming the cemetery, where the Swedish forces made a last stand. © Andreas Bloch

During the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), Norway, united with Denmark under the Danish crown, was deeply affected by Britain's naval blockade, which cut off crucial trade routes. Denmark-Norway had aligned with France, leading Britain to impose a blockade on Norwegian ports. This blockade severely disrupted the import of grain and other essential supplies, causing widespread famine and hardship in Norway, where the harsh climate already made agriculture challenging.

The Norwegian population, heavily dependent on grain imports, suffered acutely as food shortages worsened, and prices skyrocketed. The years 1807–1814 were particularly harsh, with many Norwegians facing starvation. In addition to the economic and social toll, the blockade crippled Norway’s coastal trade and fishing industries, further destabilizing the economy.

The war's aftermath was transformative for Norway. In 1814, following Denmark's defeat in the war, the Treaty of Kiel forced Denmark to cede Norway to Sweden. This ended the centuries-old Denmark-Norway union and led to the creation of a brief independent Norwegian kingdom. Although Norway was ultimately forced into a union with Sweden, it retained significant autonomy, marking the beginning of its path toward full independence in the following century.

Page Last Updated: 10/13/2024

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