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HistoryMaps Last Updated: 01/19/2025

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History of Denmark

Danish Conquest of England

© Angus McBride

History of Denmark

Danish Conquest of England

1014 Jan 1 - 1066
England, UK
Danish Conquest of England
Danish Conquest of England © Angus McBride

By 1014, Danish King Sweyn Forkbeard had successfully brought England under Danish control, marking a high point in Denmark's influence abroad. His son, Cnut the Great, consolidated this power, ruling over a vast North Sea Empire that included Denmark, England, and Norway. Cnut's reign (1016–1035) represented the zenith of Danish power, as he established stability and prosperity across his territories.

The dominions of Cnut the Great. @ Hel-Hama

The dominions of Cnut the Great. @ Hel-Hama

However, the union between Denmark and England began to weaken after Cnut’s death. His successor, Hardecanute, lacked his father’s authority and faced unrest, culminating in the fragmentation of the empire. By the end of Hardecanute's reign in 1042, Danish control over England collapsed.

A final Danish-related attempt to conquer England occurred in 1066 when Harald Hardrada, the Norwegian king and distant successor to the Danish rulers, invaded. His efforts failed at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, clearing the path for William the Conqueror to successfully invade England later that year, marking the end of significant Scandinavian influence in England and a shift in European power dynamics.

Page Last Updated: 11/15/2024

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